The Balochi Academy, Quetta is an oldest registered literary and cultural body with a mandate for promotion of Balochi language, art and culture and also interacting with other regional languages. The Academy is run by volunteer-members, having no political or religious affiliations. In this direction appreciable efforts were made by some Baloch intellectuals in the last years the fifth decade of the last century when they ventured to establish an institution named Balochi Academy, prime object of which was to develop and boost Balochi language, literature, culture and civilization. Mr. Abdul Qayyum Baloch was the vanguard of this venture. As result of this endeavor, in 1958, a large numbers of writers, poets, political and tribal leaders congregated at Mastung, main purpose of which was seek their practical, financial, political and moral support for Balochi Academy. But the then government resisted and frustrated these efforts and, after few weeks, sent the conveyer of Balochi Academy, Mr. Abdul Qayyum behind the bars. So efforts to formally establish the Balochi Academy were put off for some time. However all these barriers, the Academy was formally established in 1961.

In fulfillment of its primary objectives, the Academy was played important role in the advancement and spreading of Balochi language and literature. It published many books for introduction of Balochi literature, culture, traditions and classical values. Besides, Balochi language and its literature, the Academy has also published more than 350 books in Urdu, English and Persian, encompassing different subjects on Balochi and Balochistan. In this way this establishment collected and published valuable material related to knowledge, literature, history and culture of Baloch people that had thereto been inherited transmitted by heart from generation to generation.

First draft of Balochi Academy’s constitution was introduced in the meeting held in August 1958 at Mastung, it was subsequently, adopted with certain modifications in 1961 when Balochi Academy formed. Keeping in view of hurdles in literary, academic, and research activities and making it more effective, it was, however, further revised and modified in 1971, 1995, 1997, 1998 and 1999 by removing some errors and omissions.

Contact Details

Shara E. Adalat, Quetta,



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Mon-Fri: 9:30 am to 5:00 pm

Saturday: 9:30 am to 1:00 pm

Sunday: Closed

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